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Thinking outside the Byte-Box !

This is a different week in Tunisia. For the first time, ever, the current generation is preparing to ask for freedom, and what freedom ?! the freedom of using the Internet, the delocalized network that changed the human citizen irreversibly.

But what about Internet ? you can type here, in Tunisia, the URL of your favourite search engine, and you will get his front page. No, this is not Internet. Internet is more wide than a search engine (at least for now) and we can state that services such as Streaming, media sharing, Blogging or Social Networking are the feodal castles of the computers network.

Behind Internet, as a simple set of technologies defined by IETF, IEEE and co, there is a philosophy concluding that "the main need of a conscious human individual is to share information in both directions (send and receive)". This is why I write this article : what's hidden in Internet today, is information. I am not a computing communist, but I think that Internet delivers the truth about us, and when we plan to evolve, it is important and crucial to be conscious of the naked truth of "us".

It is really true and objective to say that "The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom." This is how humans evolve. I am not for the opening of some ways to extremists to start their propaganda in my beloved country, but I think that there is more important things in the universal network than what can be contaminated but few sites. No body could pollute the ocean, in fact, they can pollute a small portion of it. But I think that those who are subject to be influenced by such an extremist propaganda, are looking for this very materials, they are already ready to be exposed. Internet is not the root of the problem, the real root of it is education. And when I say "Education", I mean the moral and ethical education that people are practicing in their homes, beside the academical education, and the media-oriented education.

What do you have as alibi ? Pornography ? pornography cannot be accessed by mistake on Internet, and you can try for yourself. Regardless, psychologic studies demonstrated that the sexual repression is, beside child abuse, the root of delinquency, women-hatred, sexual crimes, racism and delusions of all sorts !! [James W. Prescott, cf. Carl Sagan : Cosmos, Ch.13 : Who speaks for earth]

We should be focused on exposing the truth and lies to be compared, not to hide both. Noam Chomsky told it before : "It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies" [New York Review of Books, Feb. 23, 1967] and this is the only conceivable way to make the truth, even ugly and unpleasant, triumph !!

The problem is not the Byte-Box itself, because, unlike TV, the computer user is the only controller of the content he is exposed to. I think TV, newspapers, and all our media-related industry, are the real subjects of the questioning, not Internet.

After all, there is no law that permits this electronic censorship in Tunisia. In fact, it is unconstitutional !! what else do we need to convince you, dear fellows ??

Mr Ammar, you gotta find another job, believe me. We are able to choose and to distinguish between Good and Evil. We are more than a bunch of brainwashed dudes and chicks, and our keyboards and mice are not guided by someone else. Knowing is not crime. A crime is, by definition, harmful. Knowledge has never been harmful.

Mr Ammar, leave your old Peugeot 404, get two wings, and fly !!


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