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AutoWG: a simple Bash script to connect two devices with Wireguard

 I made today a quite simple BASH script that allows to connect two devices running Wireguard (tested with Debian Linux 12, but should work with any device)

You can check it out (and fork it if you want) in this Gitlab Page

This is the source code as of now, but I could modify it later (any suggestions are welcome) :

# AUTOWG written by Hamdi KADRI 
# No copyright in any form or kind
# This script is intended to create configurations for 
# a point-to-point Wireguard connection between a server
# and a client (/30 network)
# Step zero: declare configurations as variables
Address = <serverwgIP>
SaveConfig = true
ListenPort = <port>
PrivateKey = <server-privatekey>
PublicKey = <client-pubkey>
AllowedIPs = <clientwgIP>
PrivateKey = <client-privatekey>
Address = <clientwgIP>
PublicKey = <server-pubkey>
AllowedIPs =
EndPoint = <serverIP>:<port>
PersistentKeepalive = 20"
# Step one: ask for some parameters (as an assistant)
# We need: point-to-point IPs, Server IP, port
echo "AutoWG requires some informations before generating your config"
echo "Please provide the next parameters."
echo "This script will not check if the IPs and netmask are valid!"
echo "Press Enter to continue.."
read -p "Server IP for the Wireguard interface: " serverwgIP
read -p "Client IP for the Wireguard interface: " clientwgIP
read -p "Network Mask for both server and client WG interfaces: " netmask
read -p "Server Public IP address: " serverIP 
read -p "Network Port for Wireguard communication: " port
# Step two: generate keypairs
## Generate keypairs for machine 1 (client)
client_prvkey=$(wg genkey)
client_pubkey=$(echo $client_prvkey | wg pubkey)
## Generate keypairs for machine 2 (server)
server_prvkey=$(wg genkey)
server_pubkey=$(echo $server_prvkey | wg pubkey)
# Step three: generate configuration
serverconf=$(echo "$servercfg" | sed "s|<serverwgIP>|${serverwgIP}|g" | \
sed "s|<port>|${port}|g" | sed "s|<server-privatekey>|${server_prvkey}|g" |\
sed "s|<client-pubkey>|${client_pubkey}|g" | sed "s|<clientwgIP>|${clientwgIP}|g" )
clientconf=$(echo "$clientcfg" | sed "s|<client-privatekey>|${client_prvkey}|g" | \
sed "s|<clientwgIP>|${clientwgIP}|g" | sed "s|<server-pubkey>|${server_pubkey}|g" | \
sed "s|<serverIP>|${serverIP}|g" | sed "s|<port>|${port}|g" )
# Step four: display configuration for machine 1 (client)
echo "** Client Side Config **"
echo "$clientconf"
# Step five: display configuration for machine 2 (server)
echo "** Server Side Config **"
echo "$serverconf"
# Step six: Saving to a text file 
echo "** Client Side Config **" > wireguard-conf.txt
echo "$clientconf" >> wireguard-conf.txt
echo  >> wireguard-conf.txt

echo "** Server Side Config **" >> wireguard-conf.txt
echo "$serverconf" >> wireguard-conf.txt
echo >> wireguard-conf.txt
