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Affichage des articles du 2024

AutoWG: a simple Bash script to connect two devices with Wireguard

 I made today a quite simple BASH script that allows to connect two devices running Wireguard (tested with Debian Linux 12, but should work with any device) You can check it out (and fork it if you want) in this Gitlab Page This is the source code as of now, but I could modify it later (any suggestions are welcome) : #!/bin/bash # # AUTOWG written by Hamdi KADRI  # No copyright in any form or kind # This script is intended to create configurations for  # a point-to-point Wireguard connection between a server # and a client (/30 network) # # Step zero: declare configurations as variables servercfg="[Interface] Address = <serverwgIP> SaveConfig = true ListenPort = <port> PrivateKey = <server-privatekey> [Peer] PublicKey = <client-pubkey> AllowedIPs = <clientwgIP> " clientcfg="[Interface] PrivateKey = <client-privatekey> Address = <clientwgIP> [Peer] PublicKey = <server-pubkey> AllowedIPs = EndPoint = <serverIP...

CVE-2024-3094: Un backdoor médiatisé ?

 Je propose ici mon avis sur la vulnérabilité "liblzma" du package "xz" que je trouve très "overrated". Il semble que le backdoor CVE-2024-3094 a été très mediatisé, bien que l'impact n'est pas très significatif sur les serveurs en production. Je comprends l'importance des systèmes Linux (qui font tourner Internet) mais ça donne aussi un faux sentiment que la philosophie Opensource a échoué.  - D'une part, les distributions "production ready" qui sont en général connues en tant que "Stable" ou même "LTS" ne déploient pas les dernières versions de XZ. Exemple : Debian, Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS , RedHat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, etc. ont toutes des versions de XZ plus anciennes que celle impactée. C'est une philosophie de ne pas déployer les dernières versions des packages avant d'avoir une assurance totale de leur stabilité, surtout dans les environnements de production et les serveu...

Gemini vs ChatGPT : test de code C généré pour Fibonacci, Pi et E

Old school tool for news (RSS): NewsFlash

 Being an old school user who was very dependant on RSS feeds to keep me updated on my favourite subjects, I spent a lot of time looking for something that could do this in 2024. Surprisingly, I found a tool called "NewsFlash" which looks like it was tailored exactly for people like me, people who can't live without Slashdot , TheHackerNews and TechCrunch ! I am currently daily-driving Linux Manjaro for more than two years on my personal laptop (while unfortunately I have to work on a Win11 system for my regular job) and, being based on Arch Linux, the cutting edge community-driven Linux distribution, Manjaro is able to provide the latest and greatest opensource (and sometimes proprietary) software via its default repositories. You don't even have to do anything "geeky" to install NewsFlash (or any other package in the repositories) since the Pamac Software Manager is really becoming easy and powerful at the same time! This is NewsFlash, very simple and eas...